Iris Project Resident: August 12 - 26, 2023

Andrew Riiska was raised in Canton, Connecticut, and earned a Bachelor of Arts in English with a focus on Creative Writing from The University of Colorado. He then obtained a Master of Fine Arts degree from The Cranbrook Academy of Art.

Riiska uses his enlightened dyslexic mind to his advantage, utilizing his superior visual and spatial senses to explore information in unique ways. This approach sparks innovation in every field he engages in. His ability to process information on a global level allows him to easily see beyond the rigid rules of traditional reasoning. By thinking outside the box and manipulating objects spatially, he creates work enriched with unexpected elements.

His thought process seamlessly flows across different disciplines, and as a result, he has been able to pioneer new techniques and innovations in design, rapid prototyping, construction, woodworking, upholstery, ceramics, and embossed prints. His latest passion involves using a woodworking vacuum press with traditional hand burnishing to create impressively deep embossed images on handmade Japanese paper.

In Riiska’s latest series, the artist uses insects to carve print blocks, challenging the traditional concept of authorship. The aim of this work is to draw attention to the ownership and copyright laws surrounding non-human-based art. By doing so, it promotes awareness that we share this planet with a diverse group of life forms. Therefore, it is essential to acknowledge and respect all living beings, including insects, plants, and animals. This work also prompts us to consider whether insects have emotions and consciousness, and how it feels to be a bug.

Andrew Riiska has showcased his art in galleries across the United States, including cities such as New York, Boston, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Aspen. His work has even been highlighted in prestigious exhibitions such as the 2010 California Design Biennial at the Pasadena Museum of California Art, the 2016 Craft and Folk Museum "Windfall" exhibition, and The Cranbrook Art Museum's 2023 Graduate exhibition.




Nancy Floyd